I grew up in a simple working family in a remote part of Russia with a harsh climate and tough people.
I studied hard to get a job in Moscow where I was happy to find an easier climate, a partner, and a boring yet well-paid job in insurance. Then one day everything went south: I lost my job and my partner and didn’t know what to do next. The Universe was giving me a warning signal that I was moving in the wrong direction and I needed to turn.
That’s when I took my first step into the dark – I enrolled in evening classes at the local Art School, and that opened a whole new world for me! At the same time, the political situation in Russia was getting worse and worse each day and I started looking for immigration options. I found out about the Green Card Lottery and though the chances to win were tiny I succeeded on the second try. That is how I ended up in Los Angeles.
It was a big challenge to start everything from a scratch in a new country. Being an immigrant is not easy, you are working multiple minimal-wage jobs 10-12 hours a day and questioning your choices in life. But that is in the past; the obstacles and challenges I faced led me to where I am now and the most important thing is that I have art in my life. I am still on a path and don’t know where it leads, but I know that I am moving in the right direction.